The dream of every camper: Not to be dependent on pitches and hotels and simply be far away from civilisation - independent of electricity or water supply. Even though we use the infrastructure of campsites from time to time, most of the time we are self-sufficient with our bullis. We will tell you what is not to be missed.
1. sunny freedom: power supply by a solar system
If you want to camp for a few days in the most beautiful places in the world in the middle of nature, you have the choice between a generator or a solar system. The solar system is the more sustainable option for charging the utility battery. Required: there must be enough hours of sunshine. We have mounted a solar panel on the roof, which either lies flat or can be tilted towards the sun if necessary. For the investment you have to dig a little deeper into your pocket at the beginning, but there are no costs afterwards.
2. plan for sufficient water supplies
If you don't want to go to the supermarket for a few days, you should definitely remember to have enough water on board - for cooking, for washing up, for washing and brushing your teeth, for showering etc. Our tip: Those who want to be self-sufficient for a longer period of time should save water as good as possible and/or have additional water canisters with them.
2. now it's getting wet: solar and outdoor shower
Even if one has the sea right in front of their door and there are frequently lakes and rivers on the way to jump in, there is nothing better than a fresh water shower. Afterwards, one feels like being reborn! Most of the times, we have different options with us: on the one hand, a solar shower in which the black water bag is heated by the sunlight, on the other hand, a tube that is connected to a water canister. Here, the water is indeed cold, but at least in summer this does not bother at all.
3. the ideal camping toilet
The biggest problem for me when wild- or self-suficcient camping for a long time was the toilet. Of course you can - with a spade in your luggage - go out into nature, but in some places this is simply not possible. The solution: a camping toilet. And there are various possibilities: from a chemical toilet to an environmentally friendly composting toilet or dry toilet.
4. plan enough gas for cooking
Probably every camper knows this: You want to cook something delicious, everything is prepared and then after a few minutes the gas cooker suddenly goes out and you don't have a spare cartridge with you. Therefore very important: Better a little more gas on board than too little. Better be safe than sorry!
5. cool box for storing food
Speaking of cooking: the food has to be stored somewhere. Especially if you want to camp in one place for a few days longer, they should be stored in a cool place. Karo and family as well as my boyfriend and I both have a cooler from Dometic and are very happy with it.